The European Competitive Programs are funding instruments of the EU which contribute to the implementation of its main policies. In contrast to the European Funds (structural funds), these are not distributed by country, but funding is guaranteed based on the quality of the proposals, without any limitation to the amount that a member-state can claim and obtain. Proposals are submitted for approval directly to the European Commission in Brussels, without any intervention by the institutions of the member-states. The European Commission assesses all proposals submitted by the EU member-states (which are competitors) and the best proposals are selected, after a comparative evaluation. They are by rule international, which means that during the submission and implementation of a proposal, the participation of associates from more than one member-states is required. In addition, the proposals must promote European objectives at the same time as interstate objectives, which creates added value on a European level.
The Municipality of Larnaka participates in different European Programs through which actions and initiatives are promoted with the ultimate aim to better use the available resources from European and national funds.
International relations are also developed through twinning with towns of foreign countries, whereas the participation in city networks and programs, which are particularly interesting for the town of Larnaka, are also promoted.
The aforementioned actions are examined by the International Relations and European Programs Committee of the Municipality.